
I'm passionate about mentoring idea and early-stage founders, which I do voluntarily in accelerators and on a fee basis in a private format.

Startup Mentor in Accelerators

500 Global

About 500 Global

500 Global is a top early-stage venture capital firm and seed accelerator with over $2.7B in AUM. It has invested in over 2,600 companies across 80 countries, including 28 unicorns like Canva, Reddit, Intercom, and Mercury.

Startup Mentor at 500 Accelerator Program

500 Eurasia Batch 6

April – June 2024

Founder Institute Mentor

About Founder Institute Accelerator

The Founder Institute is an American idea and early-stage startup accelerator based in Silicon Valley, with chapters across 100 countries. Since 2009, it has helped over 7,000 entrepreneurs raise over $1.75 billion in funding and operates in 200+ cities globally.

FI offers a four-month part-time program for new and early-stage tech entrepreneurs, helping them develop their business ideas and form a company with hands-on guidance on product development, market strategy, and operations.

The accelerator offers the fairest terms to founders:

  • A low and fully refundable program fee ranging from $200 to $1000, depending on the chapter, if the founder decides to drop out before the 4th session.

  • No equity sharing until 2/3 of the program is completed. After that, only a warrant is required, which grants the company 2.5% of their future equity, but only in the event of an acquisition or IPO.

Only about 30% of applicants are admitted to the program, and less than 30% of accepted founders generally make it through. While not the sole purpose, the Founder Institute can act as a pre-accelerator, helping founders get into seed-accelerators like Techstars, Y Combinator, and 500 Global, where founders have a less than 3% admit rate but can receive more than $100K in funding.

The FI Program requires a dedication of no less than 20 hours per week to complete weekly assignments. Most of the effort is conducted by the founders themselves, but program directors help navigate weekly sessions, teaming up with mentors from diverse backgrounds and experience, sharing it through expert talks, 1-to-1 office hour calls, feedback, and QA sessions.

Find the nearest cohort to enroll

🇭🇰 🇻🇳 Startup Mentor in FI Hong Kong Chapter

Hong Kong Summer 2024 Cohort

June – September 2024

Fintech, AI, Healthcare, and Web3 industry verticals batches for ASEAN founders, and industry-agnostic sub-chapters for Hong Kong, Ho Chi Minh, and Hanoi-based founders.

🇦🇺 🇳🇿 Startup Mentor in FI Australia & New Zealand Chapter in Sydney

Australia Summer 2024 Cohort

February – May 2024

My contribution:

  • Office Hours: 15-minute 1-to-1 calls with founders

  • Mentor Idea Review Session: Feedback (March)

  • Mentor Progress Review Session: Feedback (April)

🇲🇾 Startup Mentor in FI Malaysia Chapter in Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia Winter 2023 Cohort

November 2023 – February 2024

My contribution:

  • Launch Mixer Event: In-Person Networking

  • Go-To-Market & Sales Session: Feedback, Public talk, QA

  • Investor Pitch Review Session: Feedback, Public talk, QA

  • Post-Graduation Founders Support

🇸🇬 Guest Startup Mentor in FI Singapore Chapter

Singapore 2023 Cohort

June – December 2023

My contribution:

  • Graduation Session: Feedback, QA

  • Post-Graduation Founders Support

🇮🇩 Startup Mentor in FI Bali Chapter

Bali 2024 Cohort

June – September 2024

Disruptives Web3 Accelerator Mentor

About ICP HUB Disruptives Accelerator

Disruptives Accelerator, organized by ICP HUB Indonesia, is an innovation center for Web3, established in 2023. It's dedicated to growing the decentralized Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) blockchain ecosystem in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

ICP is an L1 blockchain network founded by the DFINITY Foundation, based in Switzerland, and has raised $167M with backing from a16z and other top VC firms.

The acceleration program welcomes idea and early-stage startups utilizing blockchain technology. It offers a fee-free, intensive 2-month program combining online and in-person sessions led by startup and blockchain experts. After graduation, the best startups receive up to $150K in grants from DFINITY.

🇮🇩 Startup Lecturer & Mentor in ICP Disruptives Accelerator

Bali 2023 Cohort

October – November 2023

My contributions:

  • Market Research Strategies + Sales & Networking Workshop: Expert Talk

  • Investor Pitch Review Session: Feedback, Expert Talk, QA

  • Graduation Session: In-Person Networking

MonJa Accelerator Mentor

About MonJa Accelerator Mongolia

The MonJa accelerator program is dedicated to fostering the growth of the Mongolian startup ecosystem and offers a comprehensive range of technical support to participating startups, including tailored mentoring support, global community and strategic partnerships. Over the course of the three-month program, entrepreneurs will receive invaluable guidance and resources to scale their businesses.

Within such context, in order to effectively support startups and ecosystem building in Mongolia, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Mobicom & Mongolia-Japan Center has contracted the project team consisting of Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory (DTFA), Deloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support (DTVS), Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC (DTTL), Exponential Partners & Exponential Zaisan Partners to conduct the program to support pre-seed/seed stage startups in Mongolia.

At the completion of the program, startups will receive up to US$5,000 in grant.

🇲🇳 Startup Mentor in MonJa Accelerator

Mongolia 2024 Cohort

June – August 2024

Last updated